Leopard Tech Talks: Highly Recommended

• Chris Liscio

I was on the fence about attending the Leopard Tech Talk that came into Toronto on Friday. I signed up immediately to guarantee that I had a spot. As the event drew closer (and weather worsened), I couldn't help but think that there would be not much added value over watching WWDC videos about similar leopard development topics.

The weather cleared up considerably during the week leading up to the event, and I heard that some key Apple personalities would be on-site, ripe for the brain-picking. My motivation had peaked, and I was all set.

Now that I've gone, I can't say enough good things about the event. The food was excellent (and free!!), the people I spoke with were all very helpful, and I heard a lot of nice things about FuzzMeasure!

The only down side was that I couldn't attend more of the talks! If I could have somehow split myself into two and attended simultaneous talks, I definitely would. Furthermore, it was nearly impossible to go to all the talks and speak with the tech support folks. I would also highly recommend that you go prepared with solid questions and examples beforehand, so you can get more done in less time.

I have a lot of work to do in FuzzMeasure to gain some of the extra functionality that Leopard will bring to the table. I also have to spend a lot of time learning some of the new developer tools and familiarizing myself with the new APIs available to me.