New in Capo 4.1
Building on Capo's last major update, Capo 4.1 contains some minor improvements that didn't make the cut for 4.0.
New Features
Handoff Support
Easily continue your work on projects that are stored in iCloud when switching between your Mac, iPhone, and iPad. Bring your devices close together, and you'll be given an option to continue your work where you left off..
Improvements & Bug Fixes
FLAC Support
When you create a new project by importing from an audio file, you can now select FLAC audio files that you have stored on your device, in your iCloud Drive, Dropbox, and others.
Other Fixes
Capo no longer allows an existing project to continue playing in the background when a new project is loaded using the Recents list on an iPad, and we fixed a handful of user-reported crashes.
Capo touch requires iOS 12 or later